Data wrangling with data.table
data.table (by Matt Dowle, Arun Srinivasan et. al.) is a package written in C to make high-performance data wrangling tasks a breeze. Despite being incredibly powerful, it is dependency free and has a rock-solid API. data.table code reliably works decades apart.
Before continuing, make sure that you have installed data.table. You only have to do this once (or as often as you want to update the package).
# Install from CRANinstall.packages("data.table")
# Alternatively, you can install the latest development version# install.packages("data.table", repos = "")
Once data.table is installed, don’t forget to load it whenever you want to use it. Unlike Stata, you have to re-load a package every time you start a new R session.
# Load data.table into our current R sessionlibrary(data.table)
All of the examples in this section will use real-life 2014 New York air traffic data. You can use the following commands to import the dataset into both Stata and R.
import delimited using /// "", clear
# library(data.table) ## Don't forget to load the librarydat = fread('')
The data.table package centers
around data.tables, which are highly efficient data frames that can be
manipulated using the package’s concise syntax. For example, say we have a
data.table called dat
(you can call it whatever you want). Then we can
manipulate it by putting arguments into its square brackets, i.e. dat[]
. The
three main components of a data.table operation are i
, j
, and by
which go in the order dat[i, j, by]
. Note you don’t have to specify the
latter two if you’re not currently using them.
, the first component, selects the rows of the data.table that you’ll be working with, like how in Stata theif
command options let you refer to certain rows.j
, the second component, both selects and operates on the columns of the data.table, like how in Stata thekeep
commands select specific columns of your data, or howgenerate
create or modify columns in your
, the third component, gives the variable(s) designating groups that you’ll be doing your calculations within, like how in Stata you can precede a command withbysort
data.table uses these simple components very flexibly. The upshot is that you can perform complicated operations in a single line of concise data.table code, which may have required multiple commands in other languages or libraries to accomplish. But even if you aren’t doing anything fancy, data.table has you covered with a stable set of functions that can be deployed on virtually any data wrangling task.
Like Stata, data.table also provides some special shortcut symbols for
common operations. For example, _N
in Stata is equivalent to .N
data.table, while .(x1, x2)
is short for list(x1, x2)
. We’ll see more
examples in cheatsheat that follows. But we do want to quickly highlight one
special symbol in particular: .SD
refers to the (S)ubset of (D)ata you’re
working with. This can be used to do complex within-group calculations when you
have by
specified. But more generally it’s a way to perform operations on lots
of columns with one line of code. By default, .SD
refers to all columns in the
dataset (excepting those in by
). But you can specify the columns you want with
the .SDcols
argument. Again, we’ll see a bunch of examples below.
Finally, data.table is extremely fast. It has long set the standard for
in-memory data wrangling benchmarks
across a variety of libraries and languages. You will likely see an order(s) of
magnitude performance difference as you compare the code chunks below. As a
bonus for Stata users, who are used to operations changing a single dataset in
memory, many data.table operations can be done in-place. This means that
you don’t have to (re)assign the result to a new data.table. In-place
modifications are also very efficient, since they will only affect the parts
you’re actually changing, without wasting memory and time on the parts that
aren’t being changed. Any time in the below cheat sheet you see a function with
the word set
in it, or the :=
operator, that’s an in-place operation.
Data I/O
Like Stata’s .dta
file format, R has its own native .rds
storage format.
(See also the fst package.) However,
we generally recommend that users avoid native—especially proprietary—data types
since they hamper interoperability and reproducibility. We’ll hence concentrate
on common open-source file types below. We’ll make an exception for .dta
our target audience, but we still recommend avoiding it if possible. Note that
all of the examples in this section will assume generic datasets.
Read and write .csv
Single file.
import delimited using "file.csv", clear* import delimited using "file.csv", clear colrange(1:2)* ?
export delimited using "file.csv", replace
dat = fread("file.csv")# dat = fread("file.csv", select=c("col1","col2")) # or select=1:2# dat = fread("file.csv", drop=c("col3","col4")) # or drop=3:4
fwrite(dat, "file.csv")
Read many files and append them together.
local files: dir "data/" files "*.csv"tempfile mytmpfilesave `mytmpfile', replace emptyforeach x of local files { qui: import delimited "data/`x'", case(preserve) clear append using `mytmpfile' save `mytmpfile', replace}
files = dir("data/", pattern=".csv", full.names=TRUE)dat = rbindlist(lapply(files, fread))
Read and write .dta
Note: .dta
is Stata’s native (proprietary) filetype.
Note: These commands require the haven package.
Single file.
use "file.dta", clear* use "file.dta", keep(var1-var4) clear
save "file.dta", replace
dat = haven::read_dta("file.dta")# dat = haven::read_dta("file.dta", col_select=var1:var4)setDT(dat) # i.e. Set as a data.table
haven::write_dta(dat, "file.dta")
Read many files and append them together.
cd "`c(pwd)'/data"append using `: dir "." files "*.dta"'
files = dir("data/", pattern=".dta", full.names=TRUE)dat = rbindlist(lapply(files, haven::read_dta))
Read and write .parquet
Note: Stata currently has limited support for parquet files (and Linux/Unix only).
Note: These commands require the arrow package.
* See:
files = dir(pattern = ".parquet")dat = rbindlist(lapply(files, arrow::read_parquet))# dat = rbindlist(lapply(files, arrow::read_parquet, col_select=1:10))
write_parquet(dat, sink = "file.parquet")
Create a dataset de novo
Random numbers. Note that the random seeds will be different across the two languages.
clearset seed 123set obs 10gen x = _ngen y = rnormal()gen z = runiform()
set.seed(123)d = data.table(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10), z = runif(10))
Some convenience functions for specific data types.
* All combinations of two vectors (i.e. a cross-join)clearset obs 10gen id = _n in 1/2gen yr = 2000 + _nfillin id yrdrop if id == . | yr == .
* Datetimes* ?
# All combinations of two vectors (i.e. a cross-join)d = CJ(id = 1:2, yr = 2001:2010)
# Datetimedts = Sys.time() + 0:10 # time right now ++10 secondsd = IDateTime(dts)
Sort rows
sort air_timesort air_time destgsort -air_time
setorder(dat, air_time)setorder(dat, air_time, dest)setorder(dat, -air_time)
Sort columns
order month day
setcolorder(dat, c('month','day'))
Rename columns
* rename (old) (new)
rename arr_delay arrival_delayrename (carrier origin) (carrier_code origin_code)rename arr_* arrival_*
# setnames(dat, old = ..., new = ...)
setnames(dat, 'arr_delay', 'arrival_delay')setnames(dat, c('carrier','origin'), c('carrier_code','origin_code'))setnames(dat, gsub('arr_', 'arrival_', names(dat)))
In newer versions of Stata, it’s possible to keep multiple datasets in memory,
or “frames” as Stata calls them. But this still requires extra steps that
would be unusual to users of other languages.
In contrast, keeping multiple datasets in memory is
extremely common in R. Moreover, subsetting and collapsing operations don’t
overwrite your original dataset. The upshot is that you don’t need to wrap
everything in preserve/restore
. However, it also means that you’ll need to
(re)assign your subsetted/collapsed data if you want to use it again later. E.g.
dat1 = dat[origin=='LGA']
Subset rows
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
keep in 1/200keep if day > 5 & day < 10keep if inrange(day,5,10)keep if origin == "LGA"keep if regexm(origin,"LGA")keep if inlist(month,3,4,11,12)keep if inlist(origin,"JFK","LGA")drop if month == 1
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
dat[1:200]dat[day > 5 & day < 10]dat[between(day,5,10)] # Or: dat[day %in% 5:10]dat[origin=='LGA']dat[origin %like% 'LGA']dat[month %in% c(3,4,11,12)]dat[origin %chin% c("JFK","LGA")] # %chin% is a fast %in% for (ch)aractersdat[month!=1]
Subset columns
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
keep month day carrier
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
dat[, .(month, day, carrier)]dat[, list(month, day, carrier)] # another optiondat[, c('month', 'day', 'carrier')] # and another
keep year-arr_delaykeep *_delay
dat[, year:arr_delay]dat[, .SD, .SDcols=patterns('*_delay')]
drop origin dest
ds, has(type string)drop `r(varlist)'
ds, has(type int)keep `r(varlist)'
dat[, -c('origin', 'dest')]dat[, c('origin', 'dest') := NULL] # same, but in-place
# Matches the two lines on the left:dat[, .SD, .SDcols=!is.character]
# Matches the two lines on the left:dat[, .SD, .SDcols=is.integer]
Subset rows and columns
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
keep if origin == "LGA"keep month day carrier
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
# Matches the two lines on the left:dat[origin=="LGA", .(month, day, carrier)]
Drop duplicates
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
duplicates dropduplicates drop month day carrier, force
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
unique(dat)unique(dat, by = c('month', 'day', 'carrier'))
Drop missing
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
keep if !missing(dest)
* Requires: ssc inst missingsmissings dropvars, forcemissings air_time dest, force
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
na.omit(dat)na.omit(dat, cols = c('air_time', 'dest'))# dat[! & !] # same
Aside: You can force print a data.table’s in-place modifications to screen by
adding a trailing []
, e.g. dat[, dist_sq := distance^2][]
Create new variables
gen dist_sq = distance^2gen tot_delay = dep_delay + arr_delaygen first_letter = substr(origin, 1,1)gen flight_path = origin + '_' + dest
dat[, dist_sq := distance^2]dat[, tot_delay := dep_delay + arr_delay]dat[, first_letter := substr(origin,1,1)]dat[, flight_path := paste(origin, dest, sep='_')]
Here are some data.table modifying operations that don’t have direct Stata equivalents (although you could implement a loop).
# Multiple variables can be created at once. These next few lines all do the# same thing. Just pick your favourite.
dat[, c('dist_sq', 'dist_cu') := .(distance^2, distance^3)]dat[, ':=' (dist_sq=distance^2, dist_cu=distance^3)] # "functional" equivalentdat[, let(dist_sq=distance^2, dist_cu=distance^3)] # introduced in v1.15.0
# We can also chain back-to-back with "dat[...][...]" (this holds for any# data.table operation)
dat[, dist_sq := distance^2][ , dist_cu := distance*dist_sq]
Create new variables within groups
Aside: In R, any missing (i.e. “NA”) values will propagate during
aggregating functions. If you have NA
values in your real-life dataset—we
don’t in this example dataset—you probably want to add na.rm=TRUE
to remove
these on the fly. E.g. mean(var1, na.rm=TRUE)
lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
bysort origin: egen mean_dep_delay = mean(dep_delay)bysort origin dest: egen mean_dep_delay2 = mean(dep_delay)
dat[, mean_dep_delay := mean(dep_delay), by=origin]dat[, mean_dep_delay2 := mean(dep_delay), by=.(origin,dest)]
Some shortcut symbols.
gen index _nbysort carrier: gen index_within_carrier = _nbysort carrier: gen rows_per_carrier = _Negen origin_index = group(origin)
dat[, index := .I]dat[, index_within_carrier := rowid(carrier)]dat[, rows_per_carrier := .N, by = carrier]dat[, origin_index := .GRP, by = origin]
Multiple grouped variables (manual demean example).
foreach x of varlist dep_delay arr_delay air_time { egen mean_`x'=mean(`x'), by(origin) gen `x'_dm = `x' - mean_`x' drop mean*}
for (x in c('dep_delay', 'arr_delay', 'air_time')) { set(dat, j = paste0(x, "_dm"), value = dat[[x]] - mean(dat[[x]]))}
## Aside: Above we used `set` to mimic Stata-style "macros" (i.e.## variables) in a loop. That's perfectly valid data.table code,## but another option would be to use `.SD(cols)` as per below.dmcols = c('dep_delay', 'arr_delay', 'air_time')dat[, paste0(dmcols,'_dm') := lapply(.SD, \(x) x-mean(x)), .SDcols = dmcols, by = origin]
Relative modification (i.e. refer to other rows)
* This will be easier to demonstrate with a collapsed* dataset: Grab the total monthly flights out of each* origin airport. (Don't forget preserve/restore!)contract origin month, freq(N)sort origin month
* Ex. 1: Simple month-on-month growthby origin: gen growth = N/N[_n-1]
* Ex. 2: Relative growthby origin: gen growth_since_first = N/N[1]
* Ex. 3: Relative growth (order agnostic)bysort origin (month): egen growth_since_may = max(N*(month == 5))replace growth_since_may = N / growth_since_may
# This will be easier to demonstrate with a collapsed# dataset: Grab the total monthly flights out of each# origin airport.dat2 = dat[, .N, by = .(origin, month)]setorder(dat2, origin, month)
# Ex. 1: Simple month-on-month growthdat2[, growth := N/shift(N, 1), by = origin]
# Ex. 2: Relative growthdat2[, growth_since_first := N/N[1], by = origin]
# Ex. 3: Relative growth (order agnostic)dat2[, growth_since_may := N/N[month==5], by = origin]
Work with dates
* Make a date variabletostring year month day, replacegen day_string = year + "/" + month + "/" + daygen date = date(day_string, "YMD")format date %td
* Pull out year (quarter, month, etc. work too)gen the_year = year(date)
* Shift forward 7 daysreplace date = date + 7
# Make a date variabledat[, date := as.IDate(paste(year, month, day, sep='-'))]
# Pull out year (quarter, month, etc. work too)dat[, the_year := year(date)]
# Shift forward 7 daysdat[, date := date + 7]
Modify existing variables
Aside: We don’t normally use a gen -> replace workflow in R, the way we do in Stata. See the Using Booleans & control-flow section below for a more idiomatic approach.
replace tot_delay = dep_delay + arr_delay
* Conditional modificationreplace distance = distance + 1 if month==9replace distance = 0 in 1
* Modify multiple variables (same function)foreach x of varlist origin dest { replace `x' = `x' + " Airport"}
dat[, tot_delay := dep_delay + arr_delay]
# Conditional modificationdat[month==9, distance := distance + 1]dat[1, distance := 0]
# Modify multiple variables (same function)cols = c('origin','dest')dat[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, \(x) paste(x,'Airport')), .SDcols = cols]
Using Booleans & control-flow
gen long_flight = air_time>500 & !missing(air_time)
gen flight_length = "Long" if air_time>500 & !missing(air_time)replace flight_length = "Short" if missing(flight_length) & !missing(air_time)
gen flight_length2 = "Long" if !missing(air_time)replace flight_length2 = "Med" if air_time<=500replace flight_length2 = "Short" if air_time<=120
dat[, long_flight := air_time>500]
dat[, flight_length := fifelse(air_time>500, 'Long', 'Short')]# fifelse is like base-R ifelse, but (f)aster!
# for nested ifelse, easier to use fcasedat[, flight_length2 := fcase(air_time<=120, 'Short', air_time<=500, 'Med', default = 'Long')]
Row-wise calculations
* Pre-packaged row calculations:egen tot_delay = rowtotal(*_delay)egen any_delay = rowfirst(*_delay)
* Custom row calculations:* ?
# Pre-packaged row calculations:dat[, tot_delay := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols=patterns('*_delay')]dat[, any_delay := fcoalesce(.SD), .SDcols=patterns('*_delay')]
# Custom row calculations:dat[, new_var := mapply(custom_func, var1, var2)]dat[, new_var := custom_func(var1, var2), by=.I] # introduced in v1.15.0
Fill in Time Series/Panel Data
Lags and leads (generic dataset)
* Create generic dataset for this sectionclearset obs 12egen id = seq(), from(1) to(3) block(4)bysort id: gen yr = 2000 + _ngen x = runiform()
* Lag(s)bysort id (yr): gen xlag = x[_n-1]
* Lead(s)bysort id (yr): gen xlead = x[_n+1]
# Create generic dataset for this sectiondat = CJ(id = 1:3, yr = 2001:2004)[, x := runif(12)]# setorder(dat, id, yr) # already ordered
# Lag(s)dat[, xlag := shift(x, 1), by = id]
# Lead(s)dat[, xlead := shift(x, -1), by = id]# dat[ , xlead := shift(x, 1, type="lead"), by = id] # same
Replace missing values forward or back (generic dataset)
* Modify our dataset from above...drop xlag xleadreplace x = . if inlist(yr, 2001, 2003)
* Carry forward the last-known observation* sort id yr * already sortedby id: replace x = x[_n-1] if missing(x)
* Carry back the next-known observationgsort id -yrby id: replace x = x[_n-1] if missing(x)
# Modify our dataset from above...dat[, c("xlag", "xlead") := NULL][ yr %in% c(2001,2003), x := NA]
# Carry forward the last-known observation# setorder(dat, id, yr) # already ordereddat[, x := nafill(x, type = 'locf'), by = id]
# Carry back the next-known observationdat[, x := nafill(x, type = 'nocb'), by = id]
In newer versions of Stata, it’s possible to keep multiple datasets in memory,
or “frames” as Stata calls them. But this still requires extra steps that
would be unusual to users of other languages.
In contrast, keeping multiple datasets in memory is
extremely common in R. Moreover, subsetting and collapsing operations don’t
overwrite your original dataset. The upshot is that you don’t need to wrap
everything in preserve/restore
. However, it also means that you’ll need to
(re)assign your subsetted/collapsed data if you want to use it again later. E.g.
dat1 = dat[, mean(var1)]
. Finally, remember our earlier note about aggregating
functions on columns that have missing values: Use na.rm=TRUE
to remove these
on the fly. E.g. dat[, mean(var1, na.rm=TRUE)]
Collapse with no grouping
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
collapse (mean) dep_delay
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
dat[, mean(dep_delay)] # returns a scalar
collapse (mean) mean_ddel = dep_delay
dat[, .(mean_ddel = mean(dep_delay))] # returns a data.table
collapse (mean) mean_ddel=dep_delay mean_adel=arr_delay
# These lines all do the same thing. Just pick your favourite.dat[, .(mean_ddel=mean(dep_delay), mean_adel=mean(arr_delay))]dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=c('arr_delay','dep_delay')]dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=arr_delay:dep_delay]
collapse (mean) *delay
dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=patterns('delay')]
ds, has(type long)collapse (mean) `r(varlist)'
# Matches the two lines on the leftdat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=is.numeric]
Collapse by group
Reminder: You’ll need to use preserve/restore
if you want to retain the
original dataset in the examples that follow.
Reminder: You’ll need to (re)assign the subsetted dataset if you want to use it
later, e.g. dat1 = dat[...]
collapse (mean) arr_delay, by(carrier)* collapse (mean) V1 = arr_delay, by(carrier)
dat[, .(arr_delay = mean(arr_delay)), by=carrier]# dat[, mean(arr_delay), by=carrier]
collapse (mean) arr_delay, by(carrier month)
dat[, .(arr_delay = mean(arr_delay)), by=.(carrier, month)]
collapse (min) min_d=distance (max) max_d=distance, by(origin)
dat[, .(min_d=min(distance), max_d=max(distance)), by=origin]
collapse (mean) *_delay, by(origin)
dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=patterns('_delay'), by=origin]
ds, has(type long)collapse (mean) `r(varlist)', by(origin)
# matches the two lines on the leftdat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=is.numeric, by=origin]
collapse (mean) dep_delay arr_delay air_time distance, by(origin)
dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=c('dep_delay','arr_delay','air_time','distance'), by=origin]#dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = c(4,5,9,10), by=origin] # same
egen unique_dest = tag(dest origin)collapse (sum) unique_dest, by(origin)
# Matches the final two lines on the left:dat[, .(unique_dest = uniqueN(dest)), by = origin]
Count rows
countcount if month==10
* Count rows by group:tabulate origin
dat[, .N] # Or: nrow(dat)dat[month==10, .N] # Or: nrow(dat[month==10]
# Count rows by group:dat[, .N, by = origin]
Advanced collapse (tips and tricks)
These next few examples are meant to highlight some specific data.table collapse tricks. They don’t really have good Stata equivalents (that we’re aware of).
Use keys for even faster grouped operations
The data.table website describes keys as “supercharged rownames”. Essentially, setting a key means ordering your data in a way that makes it very efficient to do subsetting or aggregating operations. data.table is already highly performant, but setting keys can give a valuable speed boost for big data tasks.
## Set keys. You normally want whatever you're grouping bysetkey(dat, month, origin)
## Assuming you have data.table >= v1.15.0, keys should be## highlighted at the top of the print objectdat
## Same collapse syntax as before, just fasterdat[, mean(dep_delay), by = .(month, origin)]
## Turn keys back off (optional)setkey(dat, NULL)
Grouped calculations and complex objects inside a data.table
data.table supports list columns, so you can have complex objects like regression models inside a data.table. Among many other things, this means you can nest simulations inside a data.table as easily as you would perform any other (grouped) operation. Here we illustrate with a simple grouped regression, i.e. a separate regression for each month of our dataset.
# Let's run a separate regression of arrival delay on# departure delay for each month _inside_ our data.table
# Just get the coefficientsdat[, .(beta = coef(lm(arr_delay ~ dep_delay, .SD))['dep_delay']), by = month]
# As above, but now keep the whole model for each month# in a dedicated "mod" columnmods = dat[, .(mod = list(lm(arr_delay ~ dep_delay, .SD))), by = month]
# Now you can do things like put all 10 models in a# regression table or coefficient plot. Here we use the# modelsummary package to do that.modelsummary::msummary(mods$mod)modelsummary::modelplot(mods$mod, coef_omit = 'Inter')
Grouped aggregations when reshaping
You can do complicated (grouped) aggregations as part of a data.table::dcast()
(i.e. reshape wide) call. Here’s an example where we summarise both the
departure and arrival delays—getting the minimum, mean, and maximum
values—by origin airport.
dcast(dat, origin~., fun = list(min, mean, max), value.var = c('dep_delay', 'arr_delay'))
Reshape prep (this dataset only)
Note: We need to do a bit of prep to our air-traffic dataset to better demonstrate the reshape examples in this section. You probably don’t need to do this for your own dataset.
* We'll generate row IDs to avoid the (reshape) ambiguity* of repeated entries per dategen id = _n
* For the Stata reshape, it's also going to prove* convenient to rename the delay vars.rename (dep_delay arr_delay) (delay_dep delay_arr)
# We'll generate row IDs to avoid the (reshape) ambiguity# of repeated entries per datedat[, id := .I]
Reshape long
reshape long delay_, i(id) j(delay_type) s
ldat = melt(dat, measure=patterns('_delay'))
# Aside: you can also choose different names for your# new reshaped columns if you'd like, e.g.melt(dat, measure=patterns('_delay'), variable='d_type')
Reshape wide
* This starts with the reshaped-long data from abovereshape wide delay_, i(id) j(delay_type) s
# This starts with the reshaped-long data from abovewdat = dcast(ldat, ... ~ variable)
# Aside 1: If you only want to keep the id & *_delay colsdcast(ldat, id ~ variable)
# Aside 2: It's also possible to perform complex and# powerful data aggregating tasks as part of the dcast# (i.e. reshape wide) call.dcast(dat, origin~., fun=list(min,mean,max), value.var=c('dep_delay','arr_delay'))
Import and prep secondary dataset
Note: Our secondary dataset for demonstrating the merges in this section will be one on airport characteristics.
import delimited using "", clear* Stata requires that merge ID variables have the same* name across datasets.rename faa dest
* Save as tempfile and then reimport original datasettempfile dat2save `dat2'import delimited using "", clear
dat2 = fread("")# R _doesn't_ require that merge ID variables share the# same name across datasets. But we'll add this anyway.dat2[, dest := faa]
Inner merge
Only keep the matched rows across both datasets.
merge m:1 dest using `dat2', keep(3) nogen
mdat = merge(dat, dat2, by='dest')
Full merge
Keep all rows of both datasets, regardless of whether matched.
merge m:1 dest using `dat2', nogen
mdat = merge(dat, dat2, by='dest', all=TRUE)
Left merge
Keep all rows from the “main” dataset.
merge m:1 dest using `dat2', keep(1 3) nogen
mdat = merge(dat, dat2, by='dest', all.x=TRUE)
Right merge
Keep all rows from the “secondary” dataset.
merge m:1 dest using `dat2', keep(2 3) nogen
mdat = merge(dat, dat2, by='dest', all.y=TRUE)
Anti merge
Keep non-matched rows only.
merge m:1 dest using `dat2', keep(1 2) nogen
mdat = dat[!dat2, on='dest']
Appending data
* This just appends the flights data to itselfsave data_to_append.dta, replaceappend using data_to_append.dta
# This just appends the flights data to itselfrbindlist(list(dat, dat)) # Or rbind(dat, dat)# The fill = TRUE option is handy if the one data set has columns the other doesn't
Advanced merges (tips and tricks)
These next few examples are meant to highlight some specific data.table merge tricks. They don’t really have good Stata equivalents (that we’re aware of).
Merge on different ID names
mdat = merge(dat, dat2, by.x='dest', by.y='faa')
Set keys for even faster merges and syntax shortcuts
setkey(dat, dest); setkey(dat2, dest)mdat = merge(dat, dat2) ## note: don't need 'by'
Non-equi joins
Non-equi joins are a bit hard to understand if you’ve never seen them before. But they are incredibly powerful and solve a surprisingly common problem: Merging datasets over a range (e.g. start to end dates), rather than exact matches. Here’s a simple example where we want to subset the 1st quarter flights for American Airlines and the 2nd quarter flights for United Airlines:
# The things we want to match on. Note the different start and# end months for AA and UA.dat3 = data.table(carrier = c('AA', 'UA'), start_month = c(1, 4), end_month = c(3, 6))
# Rolling join that catches everything between the distinct# start and end dates for each carrier.dat[dat3, on = .(carrier, month >= start_month, month <= end_month)]
Rolling Joins
Rolling joins are similar and allow you to match a set of dates forwards or
backwards. For example, our dat
dataset ends in October. Let’s say we want to
carry the last known entries for American and United Airlines forward to
(random) future dates.
# Make sure we have a date variabledat[, date := as.IDate(paste(year, month, day, sep='-'))]
# New DT with the (random) target datesdat4 = data.table(carrier = c('AA', 'UA'), new_date = as.IDate(c('2014-11-01', '2014-11-15')))
# Join on these target dates, so they take the last known valuedat[dat4, on = .(carrier, date=new_date), roll='nearest']