Other Packages
While we think you can get really far in R with just data.table and fixest, of course these two packages don’t cover everything.
This page covers a small list of packages you may find especially useful when getting started with R. We won’t try to cover everything under the sun here. Just a few places to get going. For the rest, well, that’s what StackOverflow or your favourite search engine is for.
All of the below packages have far more applications than is shown here. We’ll
just provide one or two examples of how each can be used. Finally, don’t forget
to install them with install.packages('PKGNAME')
and load them with
. The former command you only have to run once per package (or
as often as you want to update it); the latter whenever you want to use a
package in a new R session.
Where it all begins
Like many programming languages, one of R’s great strengths is its package ecosystem. But none of that would be possible without the scaffolding provided by base R. The “base” part here represents a set of core libraries and routines that get installed and loaded automatically whenever you start an R session. And you really get a lot out of the gate, because base R is incredibly versatile and function rich. Many of the operations that we have shown you on the preceding pages could equally have been implemented using off-the-shelf base R equivalents. We won’t attempt to persuade you of that here, but there are lots of good tutorials available if you’re interested (here for example). Below we’ll just highlight a few simple examples to give you an idea.
Plotting (simple histogram)
set obs 100gen x = rnormal()histogram x
x = rnorm(100)hist(x)
Linear regression
reg y x1 x2
lm(y ~ x1 + x2, dat)
Iteration (loops)
foreach i of numlist 1/10 { display `i' + 100}
for (i in 1:10) { print(i + 100)}
# Aside 1: A single line works too here.for (i in 1:10) print(i + 100)
# Aside 2: R provides "functional programming" eqivalents# to for-loops via the *apply family of functions. These# have various advantages, which we won't get into here.# Still the most important member is arguably "lapply", which# we've already seen a couple of times and returns a list# result (which is great for programming). Here's the# equivalent lapply code to the previous for-loop.lapply(1:10, function(i) print(i + 100))
Beautiful and customizable plots
ggplot2 is widely considered one of the preeminent plotting libraries available in any language. It provides an intuitive syntax that applies in the same way across many, many different kinds of visualizations, and with a deep level of customization. Plus, endless additional plugins to do what you want, including easy interactivity, animation, maps, etc. We thought about giving ggplot2 its own dedicated page like data.table and fixest. But instead we’ll point you to the Figures section of the Library of Statistical Techniques, which already shows how to do many different graphing tasks in both Stata and ggplot2. For a more in-depth overview you can always consult the excellent package documentation, or Kieran Healy’s wonderful Data Visualization book.
Basic scatterplot(s)
twoway scatter yvar xvar
twoway (scatter yvar xvar if group == 1, mc(blue)) \\\ (scatter yvar xvar if group == 2, mc(red))
ggplot(dat, aes(x = xvar, y = yvar)) + geom_point()
ggplot(dat, aes(x = xvar, y = yvar, color = group)) + geom_point()
A family of data science tools
The tidyverse provides an extremely popular
framework for data science tasks in R. This meta-package is actually a
collection of smaller packages that are all designed to work together, based on
a shared philosophy and syntax. We’ve already covered ggplot2 above, but
there are plenty more. These include dplyr and tidyr, which offer an
alternative syntax and approach to data wrangling tasks. While we personally
recommend data.table, these tidyverse packages have many ardent fans
too. You may find that you prefer their modular design and verbal syntax. But
don’t feel bound either way: it’s totally fine to combine them. Some other
tidyverse packages worth knowing about include purrr, which contains a suite
of functions for automating and looping your work, lubridate which makes
working with date-based data easy, and stringr which offers functions with
straightforward syntax for working with string variables. In the examples that
follow, note that |>
is a pipe operator.
Data wrangling with dplyr
Note: dplyr doesn’t modify data in place. So you’ll need to (re)assign if you want to keep your changes. E.g. dat = dat |> group_by...
Subset by rows and then columns.
keep if var1=="value"keep var1 var2 var3
dat |> filter(var1=="value") |> select(var1, var2, var3)
Create a new variable by group.
bysort group1: egen mean_var1 = mean(var1)
dat |> group_by(group1) |> mutate(mean_var1 = mean(var1))
Collapse by group.
collapse (mean) mean_var1 = var1, by(group1)
dat |> group_by(group1) |> summarise(mean_var1 = mean(var1))
Manipulating dates with lubridate
* Shift a date forward one month (not 30 days, one month)* ???
# Shift a date forward one month (not 30 days, one month)shifted_date = date + months(1)
Iterating with purrr
Read in many files and append them together.
local filelist: dir "data/" files "*.csv"tempfile mytmpfilesave `mytmpfile', replace emptyforeach x of local filelist { qui: import delimited "data/`x'", case(preserve) clear append using `mytmpfile' save `mytmpfile', replace}
filelist = dir("data/", pattern=".csv$", full.names=TRUE)dat = map_df(filelist, data.table::fread)
# Note: map_*df* means map (iterate) then coerce the# result to a data frame
Iterate over variables.
ds, has(type long)collapse (mean) `r(varlist)'
# Note: map is a stand-in replacement for lapplydat[, map(.SD, mean), .SDcols=is.numeric]
String operations with stringr
subinstr("Hello world", "world", "universe", .)substr("Hello world", 1, 3)regexm("Hello world", "ello")
str_replace_all("Hello world", "world", "universe")str_sub("Hello world", 1, 3)str_detect("Hello world", "ello")# Note all the stringr functions accept regex input
arrow and duckdb
Fast data storage and database
One advantage of the learning the tidyverse
syntax is that it plugs
in seamlessly with databases using the
package. The arrow package provides a really fast and memory efficient
in-memory data storage format as well as a matching on-disk storage format (.parquet
). The duckdb package provides a very similar in-memory format,
hence the two play remarkably well together.
These two packages together (or separately) make working with very large
datasets super fast. For an example using the massive NYC Taxi dataset, see https://arrow.apache.org/docs/2.0/r/articles/dataset.html. The file is 37 gigabytes (bigger than most people’s RAM) and arrow can do a group_by()
and summarize()
in a few seconds on a standard Macbook.
Import/export data with arrow
For this example, we will create a small arrow dataset from the flights14 dataset using the following code:
dat = data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rdatatable/data.table/master/vignettes/flights14.csv")
dir.create("flights14")arrow::write_dataset( dat, path = "flights14", partitioning = c("month", "origin") # <-- NB: partition your data by the main grouping vars for efficiency)
The write_dataset
and open_dataset
functions are useful for very large datasets and for efficiently “pre-grouping” the data (e.g. if you know you’re going to group_by(origin)
a lot, then saving the dataset this way is efficient). If you want a single file rather than a folder system, you can read/write to the .parquet
file format. The parquet version will be much smaller in size (in this case, the .csv
is 9.6MB versus the .parquet
at 1.4MB) and load/save faster.
arrow::write_parquet(dat, "flights14.parquet")
We can load
dat = arrow::open_dataset("flights14/")# or,# dat = arrow::read_parquet("flights14.parquet")
# View arrow database schemedat
FileSystemDataset with 3 Parquet filesyear: int32month: int32day: int32dep_delay: int32arr_delay: int32carrier: stringdest: stringair_time: int32distance: int32hour: int32origin: string
See $metadata for additional Schema metadata
Data wrangling with arrow
With our dataset loaded, we can begin to do standard data modifying using dplyr
sum = dat |> filter(origin == "JFK") |> group_by(month) |> summarize( mean_dep_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE), n_flights = n() )
If you type sum into the console, the output will not look like a data.frame. Instead, you’ll see that a query
object has been created:
FileSystemDataset (query)month: int32mean_dep_delay: doublen_flights: int64
See $.data for the source Arrow object
Instead of loading the output, arrow
has “prepared” a set of commands that will need to be triggered with the collect()
function. Note that once you collect()
, the result returned is a standard R data.frame, so do so carefully.
sum |> collect()
# A tibble: 10 × 3 month mean_dep_delay n_flights <int> <dbl> <int> 1 1 27.0 7105 2 2 19.2 6779 3 3 7.17 8253 4 10 6.97 8605 5 4 7.00 8070 6 5 10.9 8305 7 6 9.81 8422 8 7 17.6 8730 9 8 8.66 898610 9 3.76 8228
Under the hood, arrow uses the computation engine, acero. This computation engine is what allows arrow to do really efficient operations on large datasets. However, it is not as fast or fully featured as DuckDB’s computation engine. We will discuss more below.
Because of the way that arrow stores memory, it can be passed around between coding languages (e.g. to and from python) and the duckdb
database without copying any data. This makes the operation incredibly efficient. We can convert from arrow to duckdb using the to_duckdb()
dat_duckdb = dat |> to_duckdb()dat_duckdb
# Source: table<arrow_001> [?? x 11]# Database: DuckDB 0.8.1 [root@Darwin 22.3.0:R 4.3.0/:memory:] year month day dep_delay arr_delay carrier dest air_time distance hour origin <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr> 1 2014 1 1 4 0 AA LAX 339 2454 18 EWR 2 2014 1 1 -5 -17 AA MIA 161 1085 16 EWR 3 2014 1 1 191 185 AA DFW 214 1372 16 EWR 4 2014 1 1 -1 -2 AA DFW 214 1372 14 EWR 5 2014 1 1 -3 -10 AA MIA 154 1085 6 EWR 6 2014 1 1 4 -17 AA DFW 215 1372 9 EWR 7 2014 1 1 -3 27 AA DFW 211 1372 7 EWR 8 2014 1 1 -5 -8 AA MIA 157 1085 11 EWR 9 2014 1 1 -9 -16 AA DFW 218 1372 19 EWR10 2014 1 1 4 -12 AS SEA 347 2402 18 EWR# ℹ more rows# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
With the data transfered to a duckdb database, we can continue as before with dplyr and collect()
syntax. Under the hood, the duckdb computation engine will be used which is has a more complete feature set allowing more operations (e.g. rolling windows) to be used. One nice thing duckdb
do is the explain()
function which explains what is happening under the hood for those curious.
query = dat_duckdb |> filter(origin == "JFK") |> group_by(month) |> summarize( mean_dep_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE), n_flights = n() )explain(query)
<SQL>SELECT "month", AVG(dep_delay) AS mean_dep_delay, COUNT(*) AS n_flightsFROM arrow_001WHERE (origin = 'JFK')GROUP BY "month"
<PLAN>physical_plan┌───────────────────────────┐│ HASH_GROUP_BY ││ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ││ #0 ││ avg(#1) ││ count_star() │└─────────────┬─────────────┘┌─────────────┴─────────────┐│ PROJECTION ││ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ││ month ││ dep_delay │└─────────────┬─────────────┘┌─────────────┴─────────────┐│ ARROW_SCAN ││ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ││ month ││ dep_delay ││ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ││ Filters: origin=JFK AND ││ origin IS NOT NULL ││ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ││ EC: 0 │└───────────────────────────┘
Then, the data can be collect()
ed into a data.frame:
# A tibble: 10 × 3 month mean_dep_delay n_flights <int> <dbl> <dbl> 1 10 6.97 8605 2 8 8.66 8986 3 9 3.76 8228 4 3 7.17 8253 5 4 7.00 8070 6 5 10.9 8305 7 2 19.2 6779 8 6 9.81 8422 9 7 17.6 873010 1 27.0 7105
The duckdb engine is very powerful and can do things that arrow does not support (yet?), e.g. pivot/reshape (NB: these require the tidyr
package to be loaded as well). The duckdb compute engine has a bunch of awesome features including spatial data manipulation. DuckDB has a fully function and very fast spatial spatial computation set. See duckdbfs
for an R integration.
Extra convenience functions and super fast aggregations
Sure, we’ve gone on and on about how fast data.table is compared to just
about everything else. But there is another R package that can boast even faster
computation times for certain grouped calculations and transformations, and
The collapse package doesn’t try to do everything that data.table does.
But the two
play very well together
and the former offers some convenience functions like descr
and collap
which essentially mimic the equivalent functions in Stata and might be
particularly appealing to readers of this guide. (P.S. If you’d like to load
data.table and collapse at the same time, plus some other
high-performance packages, check out the
Quick Summaries
Multiple grouped aggregations
collapse (mean) var1, by(group1)collapse (min) min_var1=var1 min_var2=var2 (max) max_var1=var1 max_var2=var2, by(group1 group2)
collap(dat, var1 ~ group1, fmean) # 'fmean' => fast meancollap(dat, var1 + var2 ~ group1 + group2, FUN = list(fmin, fmax))
More standard error adjustments
fixest package comes with plenty of shortcuts for accessing standard error
adjustments like HC1 heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, Newey-West,
Driscoll-Kraay, clustered standard errors, etc. But of course there are still
more than that. A host of additional options are covered by the
sandwich package, which comes
with a long list of functions like vcovBS()
for bootstrapped standard errors,
or vcovHC()
for HC1-5. sandwich supports nearly every model class in R, so
it shouldn’t surprise that these can slot right into fixest
estimates, too.
You shouldn’t be using those , robust
errors for smaller samples anyway… but
you knew that, right?
Linear Model Adjustments
* ", robust" uses hc1 which isn't great for small samplesregress Y X Z, vce(hc3)
# sandwich's vcovHC uses HC3 by defaultfeols(Y ~ X + Z, dat, vcov = sandwich::vcovHC)
# Aside: Remember that you can also adjust the SEs# for existing models on the flym = feols(Y ~ X + Z, dat)summary(m, vcov = sandwich::vcovHC)
Summary tables, regression tables, and more
The fixest package already has the etable()
function for generating
regression tables. However, it is only really intended to work with models from
the same package. So we also recommend checking out the fantastic
modelsummary package.
It works with all sorts of model objects, including those not from fixest,
is incredibly customizable, and outputs to a bunch of different formats (PDF,
HTML, DOCX, etc.) Similarly, modelsummary has a wealth of options for
producing publication-ready summary tables. Oh, and it produces coefficient
plots too. Check out the package
website for more.
Summary tables
* Summary stats tableestpost summarizeesttab, cells("count mean sd min max") nomtitle nonumber
* Balance tableby treat_var: eststo: estpost summarizeesttab, cells("mean sd") label nodepvar
# Summary stats tabledatasummary_skim(dat)
# Balance tabledatasummary_balance(~treat_var, dat)
Regression tables
Aside: Here we’ll use the base R lm()
(linear model) function, rather than
, to emphasize that modelsummary works with many different model
reg Y X Zeststo est1esttab est1b
reg Y X Z, vce(hc3)eststo est1besttab est1b
esttab est1 est1b
reg Y X Z A, vce(hc3)eststo est2esttab est1 est1b est2
est1 = lm(Y ~ X + Z, dat)msummary(est1) # msummary() = alias for modelsummary()
# Like fixest::etable(), SEs for existing models can# be adjusted on-the-flymsummary(est1, vcov='hc3')
# Multiple SEs for the same modelmsummary(est1, vcov=list('iid', 'hc3'))
est3 = lm(Y ~ X + Z + A, dat)msummary(list(est1, est1, est3), vcov = list('iid', 'hc3', 'hc3'))
Marginal effects, contrasts, joint hypothesis tests, etc.
The Stata margins
command is great. To replicate it in R, we highly recommend
the marginaleffects
package. Individual marginal effects or average marginal effects for nonlinear
models, or models with interactions or transformations, etc. The documentation
is outstanding and the underlying functions are also very fast.
Marginal effects and plots
Here’s a simple example of a hypothetical logit model.
logit y x zmargins, dydx(*)
* Predictive plot examplelevelsof x, miss local(x_lvls)qui margins, at(x=(`x_lvls'))marginsplot, recast(line) recastci(rarea)
m = glm(y ~ x + z, family = binomial, data = some_data)avg_slopes(m)
# Predictive plot exampleplot_predictions(m, "x")
And here’s another of a hypothetical continuous * categorical interaction model.
* x is a continuous and z is categoricalreg y c.x##i.z
qui margins z, dydx(x)marginsplot
levelsof x, miss local(x_lvls)qui margins, dydx(z) at(x=(`x_lvls'))marginsplot, recast(line) recastci(rarea)
# X is a continuous and Z is categoricalm = lm(y ~ x * factor(z), some_data)
plot_slopes(m, effect = "x", condition = "z")
plot_slopes(m, effect = "z", condition = "x")
Joint coefficient and (non)linear hypothesis tests
Stata provides a number of inbuilt commands for (potentially complex)
postestimation coefficient tests. We’ve already seen the testparm
equivalent with fixest::wald()
. But what about combinations of coefficients a
la Stata’s lincom
and nlcom
commands? While several R packages do this,
we’ll again recommend the marginaleffects package. It’s lightweight and fast,
and supports
hypothesis testing
of both linear and non-linear combinations.
regress y x z
* Test linear combination of coefficientslincom x + z
* Test nonlinear combination of coefficientsnlcom _b[x]/_b[z] - 1
m = lm(y ~ x + z, dat)
# Test linear combination of coefficientshypotheses(m, "x + z = 0")# slopes(m, hypothesis = "x + y = 0", newdata = "mean") # same thing
# Test nonlinear combination of coefficientshypotheses(m, "x / z = 1")# slopes(m, hypothesis = "x / y = 1", newdata = "mean") # same thing
Random effects and mixed models
fixest can do a lot, but it can’t do everything. This site isn’t even going
to attempt to go into how to translate every single model into R. But we’ll
quick highlight random-effects and mixed models. The
lme4 and its
function covers not just random-intercept models but also hierarchical
models where slope coefficients follow random distributions. (Aside: If you
prefer Bayesian models for this kind of thing, check out
Random effects and mixed models
xtset group timextreg y x, remixed y x || group: x, reml
# No need for an xtset equivalentlmer(y ~ x + (1 | group), data = dat)lmer(y ~ x + (x | group), data = dat)
P.S. Take a look at the CRAN Econometrics Task View page for a thorough list of econometric methods and relevant packages.
Geospatial operations
R has outstanding support for geospatial computation and mapping. There are a variety of packages to choose from here, depending on what you want (e.g. vector vs raster data, interactive maps, high-dimensional data cubes, etc.) But the workhorse geospatial tool for most R users is the incredibly versatile sf package. We’ll only provide a simple mapping example below. The sf website has several in-depth tutorials, and we also recommend the Geocomputation with R book by Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, and Jannes Muenchow.
Simple Map
* Mapping in Stata requires the spmap and shp2dta* commands, and also that you convert your (say)* shapefile to .dta format first. We won't go through* all that here, but see:* https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/spmap-and-maps/
# This example uses the North Carolina shapefile that is# bundled with the sf package.nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))plot(nc[, 'BIR74'])# Or, if you have ggplot2 loaded:ggplot(nc, aes(fill=BIR74)) + geom_sf()